Hamburg, Germany. This is where my journey started, the journey of seeing the world and experiencing it to the fullest. And that all started exactly one year ago. After a long time of being a very sad person, I met my soulmate. I was invited to a show/concert, that honestly didn't interest me at all, but eventually decided to go after locking myself away from humanity for some time. Once I was there he caught my eye. A tall, blonde, good looking guy stared at me from a far. I stared back and it didn't take long before I got lost in his eyes. And of course I didn't have the guts to walk up to him and start a conversation. But neither did he. Instead of that he made fun out of me through his friends to catch my attention, but I didn't mind. When the show was over I went home, sad about not knowing who he was and bummed out because of not asking his name. But that didn't stop me from searching for him. I was convinced that even though I didn't know who he was and he didn't know who I was, that that staring game of that evening connected us in some way. Through my best friend I found him on Facebook, started talking and from one day into another I fell in love.. We fell in love.

I felt attracted to somebody I didn't even know and that kinda scared me. How was it possible that I fell in love with somebody I saw once and knew only from over the internet. But somehow it just felt like we knew each other for like forever. At that time he was one of the only ones that was there for me and helped me through the rough times. I felt secure, I felt safe and appreciated. And one month later, he stood in front of my door. This person, I barely knew, drove 650 km (6.30h) just to be with me. And from the moment I opened the door and saw him standing there, I knew he was the one for me. This guy just drove so far, without knowing what to expect, and neither did I but people who are meant to be together will find each other somehow and this was our way to find each other. We've now been together for almost one year and I can truly say that I've never been so happy in my whole life. K., du bist das beste was mir je passiert ist.

Since then, Hamburg became my second home. From time to time I travel from Belgium to Germany, by train or car, to spend my time together with K. I can honestly say that a long distance relationship isn't easy, especially not when you're so madly in love as we are. Living 6.30h away from each other is harder than I ever imagined it to be, but if that's what it takes for us to be happily together then this is the way it has to be.I'm now done with my first year in college and can't wait to move to Hamburg when I'm done. Leaving everything behind won't be difficult for me because I practically have nothing here except my best friends (you know who you are) and my family. But they know that I'm not happy here, I've never been happy here, because K. is my only source of happiness.
This is the beginning of a very exciting and mysterious adventure, and I'm fully up for it. This is the beginning of a new life, the life I've always dreamed of.
May 19-26, 2013.
May 19-26, 2013.

Ahhh dit is echt te schattig voor woorden!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEnneh, ik wil niet als een wijsneus overkomen, maar zorg dat hij niet je enige bron van geluk is ;-) dan word je nog duizendmaal gelukkiger
Ach Debby, wat ben je zo lief :$ Hij is natuurlijk niet mijn enigste bron van geluk, maar wel de voornaamste en degene die ik het meeste nodig heb. Heb op dit moment gewoon niet zo veel andere gelukmakers in mijn leven buiten mijn vriend, reizen en fotograferen. Maar ik ben er zeker van dat dit wel snel zal veranderen. dankje <3